NES Health claims to scan the human biofield, detect imbalances, and correct them with infoceuticals. It’s not science, it’s clever marketing based on fantasy.
NES Health offers scans of the body’s “bioenergy field” and sells products to fix the problems detected by the scans. Tooth Fairy science is when researchers attempt to do scientific studies on a phenomenon that has not be shown to exist. In the case of NES Health, they’re not even attempting to do science. They are selling untested products based on pure fantasy, so it might be more appropriate to call it Tooth Fairy Marketing.
The bioenergy field

They criticize modern medicine for limiting itself to biology and biochemistry, neglecting “the third and most important force in your body…your body’s bioenergy field – the very source of your health and vitality.” The biofield has been defined as “the field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. It is composed of both measurable electromagnetic energy and hypothetical subtle energy, or chi.” It has also been called the aura and has been allegedly imaged by bogus Kirlian photography. Much nonsense has been written about it. It’s all a lot of pseudoscientific sciency-sounding balderdash, and I won’t dignify it by repeating it here. Suffice it to say there is no such thing. Scientists have succeeded in measuring all kinds of energies down to the subatomic level, but they have never detected this alleged biofield energy.
The BioEnergetiX WellNES system
They sell a small “body-field scanner” that plugs into any tablet, laptop, or computer. The client places their fingers on the Scanner and within seconds the strength and flow of their body field is revealed on the computer screen. It assesses “hundreds of wellness points”. It provides a read-out of the entire body field and interprets any changes or distortions. The data is uploaded to their exclusive “proprietary and comprehensive decision-aiding cloud-based software” which analyses over 150 systems and subsystems in the body field. It accurately pinpoints the exact location of any distortion in the energy flow, which is the true cause of any fatigue or discomfort the client is experiencing.
The scan also provides:
- Nutritional Analysis: highlight challenges in absorption and metabolic processes and identify sensitivities, malabsorption, and intolerance to certain foods.
- Environmental Analysis: detect functional damage to the body-field via specific environmental factors, toxins and EMFs and the body’s resultant ability to handle their impact when present.
- Emotional and Mental Analysis: identify core emotions, beliefs, and even challenges in an individual’s overall ability to create and actualize in life, those are most prominent or potentially problematic. Also identify past shock and trauma that may still be presenting as conflicts or which are stored in the Body-Field as tissue, cellular or energetic memory.
All this information from touching a small gadget with the fingers? Really? How did they figure all this out?
We tested thousands of people’s tissue samples and Body-Fields to work out the original blueprint. We tested and retested everything. We didn’t stop until the entire Body-Field was mapped out! It took us nearly ten years, but our dogged persistence paid off.
Just think what it would really take to validate all that information for 150 systems and all those other factors like allergies and beliefs. How could they take measurements of an energy field that science has never been able to detect? Why didn’t they publish anything about their testing procedures or their results? It would be Nobel Prize material.
You may have heard of nutraceuticals, but have you heard of infoceuticals? The NES software determines which infoceutical will imprint the correct information onto the matching distortion in the body field. This will allegedly help the clients when no one else could. They have over 70 infoceuticals. They come in small eyedropper bottles labeled with numbers and letters or with words like “peace” and “love”. The client ingests a few drops in a glass of water. Or for children, you can put 3 drops on the wrist or the back of the neck. It works on animals, too.
They claim to be integrating quantum physics. They claim antibodies and genetic material can be transmitted digitally by imprinted water. They cite research by Hahnemann (the inventor of homeopathy), Benveniste (whose basophil experiment could not be replicated when proper controls were instituted), and even Emoto (the guy who says talking nice to water makes for prettier ice crystals).
The infoceuticals are water imprinted with information (frequencies?) to reset the biofield. Not just any water: a special water molecule known as structured water that has a memory and is able to transfer energy and information. The encoding process is proprietary, so they can’t explain how this works, but they liken it to encoding music on a CD. They mention microminerals in the water. They mention a specially-made machine and a high electrostatic field.
A typo on their website says the process is “non-evasive”. I think their explanations are pretty evasive. They also state that arthritis is an information failure in the joints, and 99% of the molecules in the body are water. I don’t think so!
They charge big bucks for their services. They say there are 5,000 NES practitioners around the globe, in 25 countries and growing. They have testimonials and claim a 96.5% success rate. The BioEnergetiX WellNES system has never been tested in controlled studies. The only scientific studies they reference are unpublished, uncontrolled studies from their own company.
New hype for old nonsense
This is just a new variation on the old EAV (ElectroAcupuncture of Voll) electrodermal diagnostic machines I have written about before. Electroacupuncture of Voll is also covered well on the Quackwatch website. Stephen Barrett recently tested the Zyto device and it failed miserably. Quackwatch has covered the regulatory actions related to EAV devices. Electrodermal diagnostic devices are illegal; they have been confiscated in many cases. I have written about the regulation of electrodermal devices before as well. But NES is trying to get around the regulations by claiming it is not practicing medicine. Infoceuticals, which NES markets as dietary supplements, are new; the older devices prescribed homeopathic remedies. I would argue that the infoceuticals make even less sense than homeopathic remedies, which are not compatible with anything we know about physics, chemistry, and biology. I don’t know how their claims would stand up in court.
A lot to swallow
They are asking their customers to believe that:
- A human bioenergetic field exists.
- Information in that field directs all the functions of the human body.
- Putting fingers on their device will detect the bioenergetic field.
- Their software can use the information from the scanner to detect imbalances in over 150 systems and sub-systems in the body-field, as well as allergies, beliefs, and a lot of other things.
- Correcting the imbalances in the systems that are out of balance allows the body to restore health.
- Their computer program can identify what information is needed to correct the imbalances.
- They can determine which of 70 infoceuticals will provide the proper information needed.
- Water has a memory.
- Structured water exists that is stable and can hold and transfer information.
- The information in the infoceuticals is transmitted to every part of the entire body.
- The appropriate part of the body will use the information to correct energy imbalances in that part of the body.
- For children, the infoceuticals are effective when absorbed through the skin.
- Infoceuticals will restore optimum health.
- All this is valid without any published scientific studies.
That’s quite a lot to swallow. I can’t manage it.