When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, a coalition of 39 countries responded. 382 US troops died. Those who survived deployments to the 1990-91 Gulf War theater of operations and returned to the U.S. were “safe” from combat but were not “safe and sound.” 37% of them were suffering from a… read more "An Explanation for Gulf War Illness"
Patients Who Deceive
Loren Pankratz’s book Patients Who Deceive covers the whole spectrum of different kinds of deception. It is well written, informative, and entertaining, with case examples that read like detective stories. As Dr. House says on the TV series, “Everybody lies”. Doctors know their patients can’t always be trusted to provide a complete… read more "Patients Who Deceive"
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
I have long been skeptical of the diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). Here’s what I wrote about it four years ago in an article in Skeptic magazine: An episode of ABC’s Nightline news show about Dr. Rea’s controversial diagnoses and treatments aired in 2009. I was appalled by the interviews with a patient diagnosed by Dr. Rea… read more "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity"
Culture-Bound Psychosomatic Syndromes
Suzanne O’Sullivan is an Irish neurologist who traveled the world to investigate mystery illnesses and epidemics of mass hysteria. In her book The Sleeping Beauties And Other Stories of Mystery Illness she recounts fascinating stories and redefines what it means to have a psychosomatic illness. She explains how making social problems visible… read more "Culture-Bound Psychosomatic Syndromes"
Genetic Testing for Selection of Psychotropic Medications
GeneSight is a blood test to determine which neuropsychiatric medications are indicated for an individual based on genetic analysis. The test is expensive and not likely to be helpful for most patients. Patients who suffer from major depression and other neuropsychiatric conditions usually improve with medication, but about half of… read more "Genetic Testing for Selection of Psychotropic Medications"
Mayim Bialik’s Neuriva Commercials Make Questionable Claims
Mayim Bialik is a neuroscientist. In her TV commercials for Neuriva Plus she asserts that it is backed by strong science. I don’t think so. I wrote about the brain supplement Neuriva over a year ago. I thought their claim to have proof from clinical studies was misleading. I won’t repeat… read more "Mayim Bialik’s Neuriva Commercials Make Questionable Claims"
¿Qué es la hipnosis?
[This article is also available in English. Thanks to Pensar for the Spanish translation.] ¿La hipnosis es real? ¿La gente realmente entra en trance o es solo una cuestión de imaginación y juego de roles? Algunas personas lo juran. Un sitio web proclama que el poder de tu mente es ilimitado: “El… read more "¿Qué es la hipnosis?"
Hypnosis Revisited
[Este artículo está disponible en español. La traducción al español apareció por primera vez en la revista Pensar.] Is hypnosis for real? Do people actually go into a trance, or is it just a matter of imagination and role playing? Some people swear by it. One website proclaims that “Your mind power… read more "Hypnosis Revisited"
La autoestima está sobrevalorada
[This article is also available in English. Thanks to Pensar for the Spanish translation.] La mayoría de la gente cree que fomentar la autoestima en los niños tendrá muchos beneficios, desde la felicidad hasta un mejor rendimiento escolar, pero esa creencia no está respaldada por la evidencia. Se nos anima… read more "La autoestima está sobrevalorada"
Self Esteem Is Overrated
[Este artículo está disponible en español. La traducción al español apareció por primera vez en la revista Pensar.] Most people believe that fostering self-esteem in children will have many benefits, from happiness to better school performance, but that belief is not supported by the evidence. We are encouraged to reward… read more "Self Esteem Is Overrated"